October 22, 2010
Dear Bob Dani,
Thank you for your invitation to attend today's meeting of HIGH NOON CLUB.
I apologize for anything which I may have said to would be 5th District Congress Candidate James Lankford, which might not have reflected my "Christianity" in a "be-ye-kind" manner.
Please pass this on to James Lankford. I just looked "again" at his web site. For some reason, probably age, I don't see his email address.
His position relative to CAIR was not posted til August.
Therefore, what the young man said to me today in front of all those people was a "fabrication." He intimated in his badger game of condescending to an "ole man" that all I had do was check his web site, and everything would be o.k.
He stated openly that he didn't know what "allahu akbar" meant. He didn't know what the Stuxnet Virus was. He didn't know what Shehab 3 was. Bob, the man is running for Congress. We are in trouble when the ole codgers know more than "would be congressmen," and I am saying that as "kindly" as I know how to.
He further tried to bullyrag me with his "I am not going to yell and scream" statement, as if that was what I had been doing by questioning him.
He acts "publicly" like the "anointed one."
His comment about having visited Muslim "countries," not "country" proclaiming the gospel was revised when I questioned him about "countries," and then became "ONE" country. Another "Fabrication."
He said he was not for the Muslim intentions both "politically" or "militarily," which at the moment I let pass, especially when he said he was for their "religious" freedoms.
Maybe James needs to go to Bull Simon's leadership school in how to deal with the Iranian-Ishmaelite-throat-slitters. Charlie Beckwith [Delta Team CO] and his "look-alike" Prez. Jimmy Carter had our C-130's and H-53's fly into each other in the desert, cause they didn't have them "practice together."
Bull, as you may, or may not know, freed two of Ross Perot's employees from an Iranian prison by engendering a Prison break. A movie was made about it.
Now, to the Muslim's "religious freedoms." Maybe James thinks Major Hasan was not being "religious" when screaming "allahu akbar" one year ago in a few days, down at Ft. hood. Maybe James thinks the 19 hijackers were not being "religious" when screaming "allahu akbar" on 9/11.
Maybe James needs to know, Bob, the following facts fore he gets elected as 5th District Congressman from Oklahoma:
Iran is under enemy attack on four fronts in a war never acknowledged as such by the regime in Tehran or admitted by the aggressors.
The advantage to Iran of this shadow conflict is that it is not obliged to respond. Its leaders are therefore free to bend all their energies to propping up their Islamic Revolutionary regime.
The advantage to the attackers is that they can keep on battering the Islamic Republic without risking an open clash and bring their hammers down on one front after another without warning.
In the last three months, four such offensives were launched against Iran, starting in July:
1. The cyber-attack:
The Stuxnet virus planted in Iran's nuclear and military control networks seriously damaged those systems.
This attack is still ongoing, defying all attempts to exorcise the wily worm.
Dozens and Dozens and Dozens of Iran's nuclear engineers were killed when Stuxnet caused their computers to blow up in their faces.
2. Rockets destroy secret missile launchers:
On Tuesday, October 12, the day before Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad flew to Beirut, three massive explosions blasted through one of Iran's top-secret military installations, the underground store holding Shihab-3 intermediate-range ballistic missiles which were held ready for launching against US targets in Iraq and Israel in the event of war.
An unknown number of missiles, their launchers and warheads, including some tri-conic nosecones, were destroyed at the site beneath the Iranian Revolutionary Guard's Imam Ali Base near the city of Khorramabad, in the Lorestan province of southwestern Iran.
The base is also home to IRGC's main missile force, the Al-Hadid Brigade, 18 of whose members were killed and 14 injured in the blast, according the official communiqué in Tehran - probably more, according to our sources.
The victims' funerals took place Thursday, October 14 at the same time as Ahmadinejad stood at the southern Lebanese town of Bint Jbail belting out another prediction of Israel's imminent "disappearance."
Now, Bob, point out to James that "Iran fears Israeli UAV-borne rockets blasted its Shehab-3 store!"
Intelligence sources report that Iran began its inquiry into the disaster to the missile armory by looking for traces of an infiltrator who managed to penetrate one of its most closely-guarded facilities and blow up the weapons tucked away inside deep tunnels.
When they found no sign of a trespasser, they turned to the theory that American or Israeli unmanned aerial vehicles had flown in from Iraq and somehow found their way past the twists and turns of the underground passages until they found their pre-programmed targets - the missiles and their launchers - and blew them up with rockets.
Iranian investigators were pointed in that direction by Syrian military intelligence which gave them data on Israeli UAV rocket practices against underground targets, including several on the buried command centers of Ahmed Jibril's Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in Namma, south of Beirut.
The Ishmaelites think that Israeli tacticians have found a way of using the deep shafts leading straight down from the surface openings to the command facilities below as testing-ranges for weapons designed to blow up targets sunk deep underground.
Acting on this theory, Iranian investigators began combing through the rubble at the Imam Ali base in search of fragments of the Israeli guided supersonic missile Jumper which fits the Syrian description.
Middle East military sources describe this missile as powered by a two-pulse rocket motor with low radar and acoustic signatures, GPS/INS guidance gear and four steering surfaces on the aft section.
It was basically configured for stationary targets designated by geographical coordinates.
The Jumper's accuracy is unaffected by low visibility or weather conditions; its precision may be optimized by an optional laser-guidance unit. It is 180 cm long and 15 cm in diameter.
Each launch unit weighs about 1.5 tons and can be deployed by air or land and operate in an unattended mode, without requiring the support or presence of operators, on the principle of Dial and Hit.
3. Sanctions begin to hit the ordinary Iranian!
The offensive by sanctions is turning out to be a lot more effective than Tehran is willing to admit.
On Tuesday, October 19, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei commented that the Iranian people had lived under sanctions since the early days of the Islamic Revolution and learned how to confront them.
He said this when he arrived at the holy Iranian city of Qom.
But his words made little impression on the ordinary Iranian.
After all, Iranian sources report, since early October, the Iranian currency has dropped one-fifth of its value against the basket of leading currencies, there is a rush on the banks to withdraw foreign currency, especially the US dollar, and oil exports have plunged by 13.3 percent - or more than 600,000 barrels a day.
This is the steepest decline since the late 1970s and costs the government about $16 billion in net revenue loss.
Moreover, applications for new building licenses have fallen by 40 percent sending the private construction industry into a slump. Iran's credit rating is in free fall as a result of pressure from Washington on governments, banks and businesses to refuse to extend letters of credit for financial enterprises.
Tuesday, Oct 19, Tehran confirmed that some European airports are refusing to sell its carriers fuel; its flagship carrier has stopped making unscheduled stops en route to Tehran because London refuses to extend refueling services.
All this means that the basket of penalties wielded by US Treasury Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Stuart Levey is beginning to bite painfully all the way down to the Iranian in the street.
It consists of UN sanctions, beefed up by unilateral US measures and steps taken by European governments and firms to cut off trade with the Islamic Republic.
Levey was in Ankara this week on a mission to persuade Turkish businesses and companies to join the sanctions regime against Iran.
They would have to undercut their prime minister, Tayyep Recip Erdogan, who voted against sanctions, defends Iran's nuclear program and is proud of their warm bilateral friendship.
Their trade ties are expanding fast, Erdogan boasts, and will be boosted from $10 billion to $30 billion in five years.
The USS Abraham Lincoln docks at Manama!
The Saudi and Egyptian armies, navies and air forces secretly launched their first ever joint military maneuvers this week under the codename Tabuk-2. It ended Wednesday, Oct. 20.
Acting Defense and Aviation Minister Prince Khaled Bin-Sultan, who commanded the exercise, said the two military forces had agreed on doctrinal unification.
Our military sources interpret this as meaning that the two armies are getting set for joint action in a war contingency with Iran.
4. Military muscle:
This week the US applied more military pressure on Tehran when Sunday, Oct. 17, the USS Abraham Lincoln docked at the Fifth Fleet headquarters at Manama, Bahrain, thereby raising the number of US carriers in the Persian Gulf to two, for the first time in as many years. Until now, the Obama administration kept the number of carriers opposite Iran down to one in line with his policy of engaging Iran in diplomacy to halt its progress toward building a nuclear weapon.
Adding a second carrier to the USS Harry S. Truman and its marine air force might already present raises the number of warplanes facing Iran to 120 and is therefore a game changer.
Washington sources say this move relays two administration messages to Tehran:
: The Six Power talks due to open with Iran in early November will be backed by American military leverage.
To date, Washington has not invoked the UN Security Council's permission to search Iranian or other vessels suspected of carrying banned cargoes to the Islamic Republic. Tehran has threatened to resort to force if its vessels are intercepted for searches.
Wednesday, Oct. 20, Brig. Gen. Hussein Salami, commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards issued a warning: "The enemies of Iran should know the Islamic establishment's red lines and not trespass them."
Second: If diplomatic engagement fails once again, the US reserves the freedom and capability for military action against Iran's nuclear facilities.
Last minute: Thursday night, Oct. 21, the Obama administration padded the $60 billion weapons package for Saudi Arabia submitted to congress with several additional items including 1,000 2,000-pound guided bombs, described by our military sources as the most advanced bunker busters.
They add a sharp new edge to US and Saudi intentions towards Iran and its nuclear program.
Might not the four war offensives buffeting the Islamic republic which he heads have weakened Ahmadinejad and been the cause of his bumbling performance in Lebanon on Oct. 14-15? And that would be without taking into accord the discord preying on the ruling echelon?
Now, Bob, please pass this on to your buddy, James Lankford, running for 5th District Congress. Tell him the "ole man" questioning him is none other than former pastor of Windsor Hills Baptist Church, ole Jim Vineyard, the poor boy from the Panhandle of God's Texas.
Tell James that my email address is javokc@aol.com
Tell James that the Jew, not the follower of the false god "allah" is the KEY that unlocks four mysteries:
And, tell James, that as a Baptist Minister, he ought know, but from his answers today, and previously, I think James is "clueless," --- that if we are to understand the Holy Bible, we need study God's dealings with the Jews, the Everlastingly Covenanted People.
The Jew, Bob, tell James, is the "key" that unlocks four things:
First, the mysteries of the Divine Revelation in both the Old and the New Testament.
The Bible was written by the Jew, inspired of God.
You cannot understand Divine Purposes in this world unless you understand His Purpose in dealing with and through the Jew.
Second, the Philosophy of history.
If you want to understand the strange things in human history, the Jew is the key that unlocks the past.
If you want to understand "how God raises Up" and how "God puts down rulers, kings, emperors, empires, and nations," you study God's dealings with the Jews.
If you want to understand the destiny and fate of ancient Egypt, Babylon, Conquerors who have invaded the Land of Palestine ---- Bob, where are they?
Where is Thotmes? Where is Nebuchadnezzar? Where is Sennacherib? Where is Cambyses? Where is Alexander? Where is Pompey? Where are the Caesars? Where is Augustus? Where is Titus? Where is Hadrian? Where is Omar? Where is Saladin? Where is Tamerland? Where is Napoleon?
They, Bob, are 'ALL' gone --- governments and empires --- all gone --- but the Jew remains the same unchangeable race that he was when God gave the covenant to his forefathers.
Third, the only explanation of the present map of the world --- is the JEW, not the followers of the false god "allah."
All the strange happenings of the present hour, Bob, the JEW is the explanation of such.
Fourth, if you want to understand the "future" Bob, the Jew is the key that unlocks that unknown future.
Great as the Jew's history has been in the past--- as related as it has been to the nations of the earth --- the greatest purpose that God has yet for the Jew is "YET IN THE FUTURE."
"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem" --- every JEW has it in his blood---that his right hand would lose its cunning and his tongue would cleave to the roof of his mouth before he would forget Jerusalem--- that city --- the most important city in "all" the past, and of the "present," and of the "future --- from that city, Bob, in the future, the LAW shall go forth to the end of the earth--- the religious capital of the woirld in the past and will be the religious capital in the day of MILLENNIAL GLORY.
Yes, Bob, pass this on to James Lankford, and I shall pass it on to some of my preacher friends and some of my Jewish friends, both in America, and in Israel! In the opinions you and I "differ" about this man running for, and who will probably win, the 5th Congressional District, I would hope that you are right and that I am wrong.
But, Bob, having been on this earth almost 71 years, and having had a lot of experience with Politicians, when one of "em" goes through a "worming" by ole JAV, kindly as I could be, the real "them" always stands up, sooner, rather than "later." So, I believe you saw the real James Lankford right before our eyes today, and he will be a disappointment, in my opinion, like another Southern Baptist named Jimmy Carter was. I hope I am wrong! But, I fear I am right!
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