Thursday, October 21, 2010

Letter to Pastors with Letter to Mister Obama

October 21, 2010

Dear Pastors:

My "ventricular cavity" with the IDIOPATHIC RETRACTILE MESENERITUS "grapefruit sized" tumor, in its capability of hitting me with gall and wormwood lacerating, excruciating, pricking, tormenting, stabbing pain rolled the carcass from sleep at 2:18AM this morning.

Yesterday, our neighbor Bob Tenney had died Saturday, and so his family had requested that I do his funeral, and at WHBC, at 2 PM, this ole hurting "warrior-preacher" stood before family and friends of retired MSGT Bob Tenney, and stumbled through a "funeral sermon," entitled, "If Bob could talk, what would He tell us about Heaven."

I told them Bob would tell us, first, Death is Certain, Heb. 9:27; second, Salvation is real, Rom. 10:9-10, 10:13; third, Eternity is Forever, John 3:16, 36, 5:24, 6:40, 6:47, 10:9, 10:27-29 & 14:6; fourth, Make your decision for the LORD today at "my funeral."

When I worded the following prayer for "Anyone who didn’t know if they died today, that they’d go to heaven," — LORD, I KNOW I AM A SINNER; I KNOW I CANNOT SAVE MYSELF; BUT, AS BEST I KNOW HOW, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, I TURN FROM MY WAY AND TRUST YOU LORD AS MY SAVIOR; LORD JESUS, COME INTO MY HEART AND SAVE ME RIGHT NOW, THANK YOU LORD FOR SAVING MY HELL-DESERVING SOUL — I then counted 12 hands who were attesting "I prayed that prayer and meant it will all my heart," — but, later, I learned that there were two others who had prayed that I hadn’t seen their hands — 14people, — If they meant business with God (God has a part; I have a part; they have a part - I meant mine, God meant His, and if they meant theirs, — 14 PEOPLE WERE ADOPTED INTO THE FAMILY OF GOD, MEANING THE DEAL WAS SETTLED)

With all these rash of difficulties my health has given me this year - 17 days in Emergency Rooms in 10 months - you’ll probably hear soon that the ole "preacher-warrior" has checked out — it is good that next door neighbors can see something in you during 2-1/2 years of living beside them, causing them to ask you to do their husband and father’s funeral, even in spite of the fact that many times I don’t cross my t’s and dot my i’s as I should as a "Truly Born Again Christians." My wife thinks that, at times, I am a "real sinner." She doesn’t know the half of my sinfulness.

But, anyway, here I am, checking world-wide news, at a tad (now) before 3 AM. Our world is going to hell. How can I sleep. Like Jonah, I heard, "Arise oh sleeper, call upon thy God!" So, I am up.

Several "Deaf ex-Football players are to meet me here at 10 AM to go with me to Shattuck, Okla., to watch Shattuck play football tonight. They are one of Oklahoma’s Class C (8 man) Football Powers, and God has attached me to them, cause I happen to be a "Hell Deserver, But Grace Forgiven individual who follows Psalms 15:1-4: Ps., 15:1 LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill? (That means to abide: or, in the Heb., to sojourn!)
2 He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart.
3 He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour.
4 In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth them that fear the LORD. He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not.

Cost Me? Yeah, it’s gonna cost me, to haul 7 fellas out, feed them lunch, pay their way into the ball game, and feed them Shattuck Superintendent of Schools Randy Holly’s barbecue Ribs! But, it’s the LORD who has always given me funds, and as long as I’m doing something "for others" and my motives are pure, HE SHALL KEEP SUPPLY.

Now, Pastors, in this morning’s reading were headlines from "JANES WEEKLY" the best Intelligence Info anyone can subscribe to. It is expensive, but for someone like me, who likes to know what's going on in the world, the expense is worth it. Sometimes I just plug in their info and do not apprise you of where I’ve gotten it, but, I thought I’d just give you the headlines of the following articles:
Anechoic coating failure on Virginia-class SSNs 'not acceptable'
The US Navy (USN) is investigating the delamination of the anechoic coating from certain Virginia-class attack submarines, a senior official has told Jane's . Photographs of first-of-class USS Virginia (SSN 774) and sister ship USS Hawaii (SSN 777) have shown significant sections of the coating stripped off the steel hull, most recently during Virginia 's extended dry-docking selected restricted availability at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Maine, on 1 September

[You should read the Intel info of what exactly this anechoic coating does for the Virginia-class attack submarines. ASTONISHING!]

Safety issue suspends Nimrod MRA.4 flight training

Flight training on the BAE Systems Nimrod MRA.4 maritime patrol aircraft has been halted after a "potential safety issue" was identified by the UK Ministry of Defence's (MoD's) new Military Airworthiness Authority (MAA) last month. The undisclosed problem could not have come at a worse time for the Royal Air Force (RAF) effort to bring the Nimrod MRA.4 into service, with the programme already subject to the UK's Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR), which is due to report later this month

[Inconceivable, but it would seem when the UK takes one step forward, then their SDSR makes them take two steps backward. How in God’s dear name can they join the USA in combating Ishmaelite throat slitters if they continue to emasculate their Armed Forces. The 22nd SAS of my time in service was probably the most "superior" of all "elite" Commando Units this "then young man" was familiar.]

Indonesia plans loan boost for industry

A state-owned bank in Indonesia is to provide IDR600 billion (USD67 million) to the Indonesian Ministry of Defence to boost indigenous procurement programmes, the government has announced. Under the loan - which was signed on 4 October between PT Bank Negara Indonesia and the finance ministry - the army, navy, air force and police services will receive an equal share, with the money repayable over eight years

[The Indonesian Ishmaelites are excited about the possibilities of this state-owned bank’s loan of USD67 million, backed up by our "obamessiah" using your and my tax dollars. UNBELIEVABLE, how under this "watch" we are now funding Ishmaelite projects in many places.]

Pan-European CBRN team poised to finalise bio-detection R&D specifications

Military and industry chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) experts from 10 European countries should finalise by mid-year the technical specifications on a set of capability work packages for a future integrated infantryman-to-headquarters system for detecting and identifying biological threats in theatre, according to national and European Defence Agency (EDA) officials. Counter-bio research in Europe has lagged behind that of radiological and chemical detection and virtually no pan-EU norms exist in the sector regarding bio-agent reference values, performance standards for equipment or medical countermeasure procedures

[These biological, chemical, radiological threats are "right over the horizon" with our prodigious, preternatural foes whose "hand is against every man" as they’ve come into play just before the coming of JESHUA [pronounced by this Texas Panhandle "Kid" as my Army superiors called me "yuh-shu-uah," none other than the Immanuel, God with us, of Isa. 7:14, the Hebrew MESHIAH! Again, incredible!!!]
NAVSEA concludes Water Piercing Missile Launcher testing

A team from the US Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) has successfully completed testing on the Water Piercing Missile Launcher (WPML) with a successful launch and fly-out of an AIM-9X surrogate missile at the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) in Crane, Indiana. The WPML effort, while not a Department of Defense programme of record, is designed to test and validate the ability of a submerged submarine to engage hostile aircraft and small, fast surface ships with a slightly modified AIM-9X air-to-air missile that could be integrated into the attack and guided missile submarine fleets

There is a movie out about a Navy Seal who is sent to protect a killed R & D scientist, and winds up watching the ole boys five children, which in the beginning of it, shows one of these sophisticated slightly modified water-to-air missiles shot by the Navy Seal from under the water at the boat hauling the kidnapped R & D guy before he’s killed! The guy doesn’t look like my buddy, Colonel G. B., of Givati Special Forces fame, but the look in his eyes and on his face are the same as Guy’s!

Guy looked me up in August 2006. Here is a news story from the Ishmaelite Refuge Camp Beit Hanoun from late Oc. 2006:

Nine Palestinians are killed in Beit Hanoun. The IDF killed approximately 4 Palestinian gunmen in a mourning tent; other Palestinian gunmen in the tent thought the gunfire came from a neighboring house and they began shooting at it. Later they realized they made a mistake and began firing at the IDF. Then a gun battle followed. When the smoke cleared, 7 Palestinians (6 identified gunmen, other not known) were killed. Another died the next day of his wounds, as well as a woman 5 days later.
One of the killed (who witnesses say was the prime target) was Atar Shinbari, senior commander from the Popular Resistance Committees (and leader of its rocket-launching unit), a militant group that claimed joint responsibility for a cross-border raid on June 25 in which two Israeli soldiers were killed and one seized. A spokeswoman of the IDF said they shot at least 10 gunmen, but did not know their condition.
Two dozen Palestinians were wounded. Both Hamas and Fatah leaders dubbed the incident to be a "massacre" and swore revenge. Commander Guy Biton of the IDF Givati battalion operated in northern Gaza Strip says of incident in regards to the statements of Abbas and Haniyeh: "The Palestinians like to exaggerate reality, and in this case the operation went smoother than ever and only gunmen were hit." 
I have been told by other IDF High Rankers that G.B. has been responsible for the deaths of more Palestinian Terrorist than any other IDF OFFICER.

It is highly extra-ordinary how much the "face’ of this movie character playing the Navy Seal resembles that of my Israeli Special Forces Colonel Friend. And, for you naysayers, I am not revealing anything that isn’t already part of the "public record" over there in Israel.

The ‘so-called’ Palestinians know more about my buddy Guy B. Than I am revealing to you. He, I am told, has been interviewed many times on Israeli television for something his SF unit did. Ask Brian Sharp’s buddy Itamar if I am not telling the truth.

I would not want to be an Ishamelite Throat Slitter with GB as my opponent. NO WAY!
DCNS lays its bet on Hermes OPV demonstrator
French shipbuilding, systems and support group DCNS plans to launch the self-funded offshore patrol vessel (OPV) demonstrator Hermes in the second quarter of 2011, with the ship due to become operational with a French Navy crew by the end of next year. Hermes is effectively a first-of-class to prove the design of the Gowind family of maritime protection vessels

MLD readies to fire at speed of light
Northrop Grumman is preparing to undertake at-sea testing later this year of a multiple kilowatt high energy laser weapon prototype system following the successful completion of land-based tests. Managed through the Office of Naval Research, the Maritime Laser Demonstration (MLD) programme - part of the Future Naval Maritime Laser Weapon System Development Program - is intended to assemble, integrate and demonstrate innovative and mature subsystem technologies needed for a future laser weapons system capable of defeating small boats and other targets

[BOAT, VEHICLES, etc., will be speeding along in the night, unaware that "big brother" is high in the air watching them, then, Kaboom, they go up in a "laser flash."]
Picture perfect: navigation radars eye higher definition

Surface warships have always been equipped with one or more short- range high-definition radars to aid navigation, blind pilotage and collision avoidance at sea. These have historically been derived from commercial magnetron-based marine navigation radars (both I (X)-band [9 GHz] and F(S)-band [3 GHz]), but modified to incorporate additional tactical modalities and display features
US Navy exercises contract options for additional JHSVs

Aluminium shipbuilder Austal USA has been given the green light to move ahead with the construction of the fourth and fifth Joint High Speed Vessels (JHSVs) for the US Department of Defense. The company was awarded a USD204.6 million contract modification by US Naval Sea Systems Command on 12 October, exercising options for the build of JHSV 4 and JHSV 5

These JHSV 4'S AND 5'S are highly sophisticated Combat High Speed Vessels. Man, to be young again and to get to operate one of these.

And, just so you detractors to what I’m attempting to do, will know all this is legit, I have listed the source below, just as it appears in what I get:

For more information on any of the content listed in Jane's News Briefs, please contact your nearest Jane's office– Asia:

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Below, then, you will see a letter to our "obamessiah" which you can shade, copy and paste and send to him also. If I’m too rough for your tastes, tone it down!!!! HE NEEDS TO HEAR FROM US, if for no other reason, to apprise he and his minions that we Ind. Baptist Preachers are alive, well, and kicking and doing everything we can to keep him from having a "good day" on Nov. 2nd!

I remain, sincerely and gratefully, your dutiful friend and obedient servant,
PS It is now 5:24 AM.

October 21, 2010

Dear Mr. Obama:

It is 4:19 AM Piedmont, Oklahoma time. In six hours time, the Lord willing, I shall be leaving with six Deaf Athletes to go to Kingfisher, Oklahoma, where I am to check on Atlanta Falcon Linebacker Curtiss Lofton going with us to Israel in Feb. 2011, and then on to Shattuck, Oklahoma to watch perennial Class C Power House Shattuck Indians play Tyrone in an eight man football game tonight.

There is a lot happening "on your watch" in our White House that this ole preacher-warrior doesn’t like, but feels he should "sound off" to you about.
Sean Hannity calls you "The Anointed One." Anointed? By yourself. Yesterday I read, in my 15 chapters of Bible Reading, Exodus 20. The great "I Am" the Lord, my God, is seen there in 20:2, when HE states Ex 20:1 And God spake all these words, saying,
2 I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. (The Hebrews had spent 400 years in bondage, as bond-servants, or bond slaves, to the Ishmaelites of Egypt. It still rankles me, Mister Obama, that you made that confession to that Egyptian Minister in ‘08 "I AM A MUSLIM." YES SIR, YOU ARE A MUSLIM!)

In this chapter: 1st, in verse 3, GOD shows he is "One God." 2nd, in Verse 4, HE forbids idolatry. 3rd, in Verse 6 HE warns of taking the Lord’s name in vain. 4th, in verse 8 He points out Sabbath Observance. 5th, in verse 12, he promises Long Life to those who will Honor their Father and Mother. (Somehow or other, the LORD GOD had put in me as a kid to honor my Mama and my Daddy.) In verse 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17, one finds the 6th through 10th Commandments.

Verse 20 tells us of something you display not in the least Mr. Obama. That’s why I fear for America. Ex. 20:20, And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove you, and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not.

The issue [then] Sir, is the same as the issue [now,] which is the NAME OF GOD ALMIGHTY. Ex. 20:24 An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me, and shalt sacrifice thereon thy burnt offerings, and thy peace offerings, thy sheep, and thine oxen: in all places where I record my name I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee.

Ps 83:1
2 For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head.
3 They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones.
4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.
5 For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:

And, then Sir, the same 18 enemies the Jews had in those days, are listed for my edification of today. You, and your Ishmaelite-fella-traveler-Marxist-socialist-buddies fit into the following categories, with all due respect!!!

6 The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes;
7 Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre;
8 Assur also is joined with them: they have holpen the children of Lot. Selah. {holpen: Heb. been an arm to}
9 Do unto them as unto the Midianites; as to Sisera, as to Jabin, at the brook of Kison:
10 Which perished at Endor: they became as dung for the earth.
11 Make their nobles like Oreb, and like Zeeb: yea, all their princes as Zebah, and as Zalmunna:
12 Who said, Let us take to ourselves the houses of God in possession.
13 O my God, make them like a wheel; as the stubble before the wind.
14 As the fire burneth a wood, and as the flame setteth the mountains on fire;
15 So persecute them with thy tempest, and make them afraid with thy storm.
16 Fill their faces with shame; that they may seek thy name, O LORD.
17 Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish:
18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.
But, the thing, Mr. Obama, that I want to bring "forcefully" to your attention in Exodus 20, are two words occuring in verse 12, the Honor Parents for Long Life Verse.
Ex 20:12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.

In Ezekiel 36:5 God calls that "LAND" "my land," meaning it is HIS LAND. Eze 36:5 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Surely in the fire of my jealousy have I spoken against the residue of the heathen, and against all Idumea, which have appointed my land into their possession with the joy of all their heart, with despiteful minds, to cast it out for a prey.

In Joel 3:2 GOD SAYS OF HIS LAND: Joel 3:2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead [means ‘judge,’] with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted [means divided,] my land.

In the context, Mr. Obama, these words speaks of a "future Judgment," or the Battle of Armageddon, in which, because folks such as yourself, and even George W. And Condi, believed they too, had the "power" to meddle with THE LAND God Almighty called "his land," think you can give it to the "so-called" Palestinians, without the Judgment of God Almighty falling upon your country.

God’s Word, Sir, will be true, and every man a LIAR!

Armageddon, or The Battle of Armageddon, Revelation 16:14 and Revelation 16:16, will be on Megiddo, the plain of Esdraelon.

Two great Victories for the Jews already took place there Sir. Barak’s victory over the Canaanites in Judges 4:15 and Gideon’s victory over the Midianites in Judges 7.

Two great disaster took plaer there also Sir. The Death of Israel’s first king, Proud, Haughty, Arrogant, Obama-like, King Saul’s death in 1 Sam 31:8, and the death of Josiah, a good king, who took up your traits of "pride-haughtiness-arrogance" in 2 Kings 23:29 and 2 Chron 35:22.

This Judgment will be so final Mr. Obama, that the blood will be to the "horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs," which measures 176 miles in Distance [Rev 14:20.]

Armageddon is a poetical expression for the Final Conflict, and finds fulfillment of the "smiting stone prophecy" of Dan 2:35, when God actively and visibly manifests HIS GLORIOUS POWER to the discomfiture and utter destruction Sir, of His Enemies, those who follow the false god "allah" as you told that Egyptian you did!

The Beast, or Anti Christ, whom some say you are, but you, as an Ishmaelite, and not a Jew, cannot be, but certainly a type of, the False Prophet, [Rev 13:1,] in fulfillment of Isao 10:29-32, and again in Zechariah 12:1-9, the demon-ener-gized "things" of Rev. 16:13-16 will have retreated to Megiddo after the events of Zech 14:2, where there, their decimation commences and is completed in Moab of Idumea.

The "666" Mark of the Beast of Rev 13 keeps folks who don’t have it, those "which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ," [Rev 12:17,] from being able to buy or sell, just as your Mein Kampf hero kept the Jews in Europe from being able to do so, when he put the screws to them in the Holocaust.

The greatest Revival, ever, Sir, Revelation 7, will take place then, led by 144,000 Soul Winners, Dan. 12:3, Psa 126:5-6, defined in Revelation 14 as "young," "virgins," all "Jews" from the 12 tribes, wining that "great multitude" [Rev 7:9] which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds and peoples and tongues, making them "white in the blood of the Lamb," which Isaiah 53 describes plainly as Immanuel, God with US.

But, now, unfortunately, America is gonna have to suffer for the actions of our duly elected, if your Acorn buddies didn’t steal the 2008 election, President, as SH says, "The Anointed One."

A hell-deserving servant who preached a sermon yesterday at a funeral for another hell-deserving sinner, seeing 14 of his relatives and friends, including his older brother, trust the LORD as their saviour.

1 comment:

  1. Amen Brother Vineyard. May the blessing & protecton of God our Father be upon you, and our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ pour out His Blessings & Holy Spirit upon you and Israel.
    Keep winning souls to Him in 2011. Amen, God bless and safely guide you.
